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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Want HER doing "naughty" things,friend

Insane, isn't it?

Here's the problem:

Due to a number of "shifts" in today's society, women want sex
MUCH faster than ever before.

And if you're like I was, you're probably tempted to think of
your dream girl as an "angel" or "good girl" who doesn't rush
into sex.

The truth is however... being a "good girl" or "bad girl" has
nothing to do with sex. Women are very sexual creatures, just
like men.

And for the first time EVER in human culture, it's socially
ACCEPTABLE for women to act on their urges, and sleep with a
man shortly after meeting him.

(it's called the "hookup culture")

The best part?

Women are taking full advantage of this!!

Recent studies from the Guttmacher Institute and the Kinsey
Institute found that a woman is 90% more likely to sleep with
you on the first date, than she was a couple of decades ago.

And if you think that's crazy, check this out:

The "3 date rule" is a thing of the past. If you spend 7 hours
in that dreaded and boring purgatory of "comfort"... 99% of
the time, she'll lose interest, or just think of you as a

Want to know what is the #1 "trick" that a guy who is
GREAT with women will normally use to close women?

He projects a sexual vibe. Starting the first second he
meets her.

While I'll share with you some "verbal" techniques, most of
this is done "under the radar", using your body and your eyes.

And when you know how to project this "vibe"... you'll never
waste hours, days, or months of your life trying to "win a
girl over".

Women will try to win YOU over, because they'll begin to feel
incredibly turned on around you.

Here are 3 main ways to convey sexual vibe, turn her on,
and take things smoothly to the next level.

1) Sexy compliments and touch rewards

2) Sexy eye contact and tonality

3) Sexual state transference

Let's go through each one of these...

1) Sexy Compliments and Touch Rewards

Most guys play it too "safe".

A lot of guys think that we're not supposed to give
compliments about girls' physical traits.

I believed that too for a while.

But the truth is, telling a woman you find her attractive,
sexy, pretty, whatever... can be EXTREMELY powerful.

Often times, you can use variations of: "Look, missy,
just because you're all sexy and sh-t doesn't mean you can
expect everyone to treat you like a queen."

Or, "Oh, good. I thought you were just another pretty face
who just likes shopping and watching TV."

How direct you are depends on the girl.

With some girls, you might even have to just say, while
looking deep into her eyes, "I think... you are ... really...

(Btw, this works GREAT as an opener, if you really mean it).

As the interaction goes further and further, go into
sexual state and start escalating touch and blaming it on

"Don't look at me like that. You're driving me crazy.
Stop it."


"I'm trying not to kiss you right now."

All of these sexual compliments should be accompanied by
some kind of touch escalation.

The degree and kind of touch you apply depends on the TYPE
of girl and where you're at in the interaction.

You can start off with a light tap on her outside elbow, to
pulling her in for a big hug, to putting your arms around
her, to pulling her face in for a kiss, to caressing the
body part you're complimenting, etc.

But make sure that your touch escalation are REWARDS.

That is, she should feel like she's "won" that physical
touch for the reasons you state in your compliment.

2) Sexy Eye-Contact And Tonality

There's not that much that I can convey through words
about this, except to say that a great example of the
right kind of eye contact and tonality (whether sexual
or not) is from Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

There are 3-4 scenes that are key: in the bar and ladies'
bathroom, in the classroom when she asks him for dinner, in
her house, in the elevator. Watch it if you haven't.

For tonality, close your eyes and imagine the most relaxing
place in the world for you. Then imagine you are RIGHT

Only then speak... slowly... sensually.

Sometimes in high comprehension settings (relatively quiet
and well-lit), eye contact and tonality alone are enough.

3) Sexual State Transference

The easiest, and most risk-free technique to turn a woman on is
called "sexual state transference".

This is where you harness the power of a little-known yet powerful
psychology called "emotional contagion" to transfer YOUR sexual
state onto a woman.

Basically, it involves using a sneaky little trick to put
yourself in a sexual state... then "transferring" that
state to the girl you're talking to.

Here's a "live" demo of how you do it:


Simon H

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