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From: Michael Webb <michael@theromantic.com>
To: jorgeus_smd@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:39 PM
Subject: Love Tips of The Week - April 29, 2012
From: Michael Webb <michael@theromantic.com>
To: jorgeus_smd@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:39 PM
Subject: Love Tips of The Week - April 29, 2012
Michael Webb's Famous
Love.making Tips of the Week
April 29, 2012
Tasteful, juicy ideas for more spark between the sheets
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~~~ Tips of the Week ~~~
Hot Tea, sir?
Make a mug of hot tea (we use a spicy tea with cinnamon in it). Fill your
mouth with the hot liquid for a few seconds before exploring with your mouth.
(Neck, earlobes, mouth, nipples...ETC. Don't forget the etc - that's the best
part.) You will be thrilled by the reactions you get from your partner. Try
adding honey, by putting it where you want it and licking it off. Also, for
variety, switch back and forth between hot, hot tea and icy cold water.
Swallow the tea before the kissing or you are likely to spill, or worse, burn your
Note: This activity is fun for both partners! Share the love! -- Jenni
The best tip for love.making is to "dumbify" your brain. In other words,
don't think so much that you spoil it for yourself. Over-thinking can ruin your
mood more quickly than anything else. Allow yourself to feel pleasure. Think
about how much you deserve to feel ecstasy, and anticipate how incredible it's
going to feel when you get there.
Basically let go, and allow your physical self to take over. Don't think
about cellulite, don't think about the extra weight you might be feeling, and
above all, don't wonder if you're pleasing him enough. In all likelihood, if he's
pleasing you, you're sure to be pleasing him, for men have a tendency to think
in terms of how well they are accomplishing their goal of making you feel
That's the best tip, bar none. -- Kendra
Before making love my husband will sometimes sit on a chair nake.d. I will
straddle him nake.d and we will stare into each others eyes for a couple
minutes without moving. This helps us to be still and connect. We will then slowly
begin massaging each others hair and face and then we make sweet love.
Taking a moment to gaze into each other and not focusing right away on the actual
act totally intensifies the love making. -- Anonymous
~~~ Recommended Love.making Resources ~~~
Spice up your love life with 100 great s.ex games...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you?ve ever had your heart broken or been lied to by a man,
you need to go watch this amazing video right now . . .
It?s by nationally known relationship expert Michael Fiore and
it exposes a simple, horrible truth about men . . .
And shows you how to find out the real truth about how he
feels about you . . . what he wants from you . . . and how to
make a man truly yours forever.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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