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Friday, September 14, 2012

How Hugh Hefner's Been Getting Laid Since 1953 (4 of 4)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Fiore <>
Date: Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 6:07 PM
Subject: How Hugh Hefner's Been Getting Laid Since 1953 (4 of 4)


Hope you're having an awesome day.

Yesterday I unveiled a video from my good buddy Greg and so far the
response has been nuts.


Simple: Because it's literally the only program out there of its kind.

It's the only program I know of that teaches you exactly how to build a small
army of beautiful girls and make them your entourage...

And listen to this:

Not only does he teach you how to make them a part of your entourage, he
teaches you exactly how to sleep with every single one of them.

If that's not pimpin' on a Hugh Hefner scale, then frankly I don't know what is.

Anyways, here's the link to the video you need to check out if you wanna learn
this stuff: 

And remember - you don't need to be a "social butterfly" to pull this stuff off.

Greg was a social loser who couldn't get into a nightclub to save his life...
but now (using the same stuff he teaches) he gets flown to Tahiti on private
jets with 7 beautiful girls for free, shares bottles of whiskey with the Governor
of California and...

He even dated a former Ms. Arizona.

If you wanna learn how to pull this kind of stuff off on a regular basis then
check out this video: 

This is the next level, and it's exactly where you want to be.


Mike Fiore

P.S. One of the more fascinating things that Greg talks about in the video is
something he calls "slow burn" and "stealth seduction" techniques to make
yourself irresistible to women... this stuff is absolutely killer. 

Here's the link to the video again in case you missed it: 

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