From: Carlos Xuma | Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 9:51 PM
Subject: How attraction REALLY works <--- No bullsh*t
Hey, it's Carlos. I've got something
here that might help you understand how
to get the "Alpha" mindset I teach. It
comes as a question from a student...
Carlos, I listened to your response to
the woman from Denmark.
(NOTE: She wrote in complaining how her
boyfriend was using these strategies,and she was completely frustrated - but
she couldn't seem to leave him...)
I was a little surprised at your
response to her.
First off, When she said she was
frustrated and wanted to leave? I
believe she was telling you the truth.
When a woman tells a man something is
wrong, he needs to listen. That is a
fundamental principle with woman in
Woman are emotional creatures and they
need to feel understood. I think you
missed it on this one.
- Craig
Could I have missed something here? Was
she really giving me a cry for help?
Yeah, sure, it's possible.
But not likely.
Let me explain...
If you didn't see this particular
newsletter, here's the situation:
Girl writes to me complaining about her
boyfriend being a challenge and learning
my strategies.
Girl says she's frustrated and wants to
leave her boyfriend.
I tell her that her situation is simpler
than it seems. She's not seeing that
she's under the influence of the GOOD
kind of frustration.
kind of frustration.
It's called ATTRACTION, and it's the key
that most men miss.
that most men miss.
I knew that there needed to be some
tweaks, or this guy would be writing me
later asking me how to win back his ex
Look, I know there's a lot of self-help
relationship stuff out there that tell
you that you need to listen to every
complaint and emotional rant a woman
has. In a way, that's true. You do have
to let her vent.
If you don't hear her out and get it out
in the open, you will soon be asking me
about how to win back your ex
Let her vent...
** BUT **
You do NOT get caught up in it.
90% of a woman's emotional venting is
JUST THAT. Venting! It does not need to
be nurtured or caressed or coddled.
You listen, hear her out, use your
better judgment if it's something you
might have made a mistake on, and then
you handle it.
But if it's just a "general" sense of
frustration, this is where guys get into
"fraidy cat" territory. They get
squeamish about making a woman feel
flustered or frustrated because they
think she will start to pull away from
him because he's creating these
seemingly negative emotions.
And as a result, they fall into the
"Nice Guy" trap of treating every
emotional blip from a woman as a serious
event. (Hint: They're not serious events.)
Women ride a very emotional roller
coaster with respect to their emotional
state. (The younger she is, the more
true this is. The older she is, the less
The biggest mistake I see Nice Guys make
with women is to pay too much attention
and take her emotional state way too
This is like trying to catch a cricket
by running after it. Ever see a kid do
this? They're always in reaction mode,
running to where the cricket WAS. And
then the cricket hops again just as he
runs to where it WAS again.
You - as an Alpha Man - don't do this.
You manage the situation in terms of
where you want the woman to GO.
YES! This is the biggest lesson a guy
can learn in relationships is that you
can learn in relationships is that you
must be the one ACTING - proactively -
not REacting to her.
And it works for the kid with the
cricket, too. He stomps to the side of
the cricket to steer the cricket towards
the corner where he can get safely grab
it. Or he just anticipates the cricket
and goes to where it's going to jump
If you don't mind another metaphor here,
this is how Wayne Gretzky, one of the
greatest hockey players of all time,
managed to do so well.
He said, "Most of the guys out there are
skating to where the puck is. I'm
skating to where the puck WILL BE."
Absolutely BRILLIANT!
Your job as a man is to LEAD the woman
to the emotional states you want to
to the emotional states you want to
share with her. Not just HOPE that if
you make her happy enough that you'll
you make her happy enough that you'll
get to share HER happiness every so
often when it comes up.
often when it comes up.
This is a big deal and a big difference
in how guys understand their own power
and leadership within the context of a
Now, yes, I realize there is a time to
be sweet and caring and loving with a
woman so that you can forge a strong
connection and get to real intimacy.
The problem is that most guys do this in
a wussy kind of way, and they don't
realize that you don't want to be the
"sweet caring guy" ALL the time. It
kills the attraction.
I have guys writing in to me all the
time asking how to win back ex
girlfriend, when all they really need to
do is to handle things right from the
You see, a guy tends to only care
about two situations:
1) Winning the chick
when he doesn't have her, and
2) trying to win back the same girl
when he screws it up and they break up later on.
If he would have spent a little energy
on creating the right power dynamic
within the relationship, there would
never have been a problem in the first
So remember, you need to know when a
woman is genuinely frustrated with you
over your poor behavior, or she's just
verbally expressing her frustration at
not being the one to run the show.
They are very different from each other.
Now if you'd like to learn more of my
genuine strategies for winning a woman
without having to play any games or be a
"pickup artist", then you need to take a
look at my "Get a Girlfriend FAST"
program... It's just what a man needs to
go from sitting at home WANTING to meet
women, and actually DOING it.
And for a limited time, I'm keeping the
price WAY below cost so that ANY guy can
afford it.
(Hint: It will cost you less than your
share of a bad date... AND I'll be able
to save you from EVER making a mistake
like that with a woman again...)
Stay Alpha...!
- Carlos Xuma
PS: Seriously, if you haven't invested
in yourself and your own happiness, whatexactly are you waiting for? A better
economy? A miracle...?
If you're tired of just getting by,
getting kicked in the teeth over and
over again, and feeling sick to your
stomach over the opportunities you're
missing out on every day, and then
getting no respect - maybe right now is
the time to decide to kick some ass...
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