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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Are you an Alpha Male?

Three traits of alpha male:

From: Carlos Xuma  |  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 9:48 AM
Subject: Are you an Alpha Male?

What's it take to be a MAN these days?

I find myself asking that question a
lot. If you watch young boys and how a
lot of them are being brought up these
days, you'll find yourself shaking your
head as you ask it.

What are the important parts of being a

Just because you have the equipment
doesn't mean that women perceive you as
being "MANLY." In fact, "manliness" has
gotten a bad rap.

And that has led a great many of us
(including ME for many years) to believe
that we should be ashamed of being men.

Well, first and most importantly, you
have to learn how to be comfortable with
just BEING a man.

With all the stupid messages you get
from the media on things to "enhance"
your masculinity, you'd think that there
was something basically wrong with us
right from the start, wouldn't you?

You're not long enough, hard enough,
rich enough, or good looking enough to
get the woman you want - that's what
They tell you.

But the reality is that women are
attracted to a man from emotions - NOT

(Yes, we know that a hot guy will get
more initial interest, but he can't KEEP
it if he isn't showing her the right
Alpha traits.)

So here are my top 3 traits for you to
work on your masculinity and
demonstrating your Alpha Manhood.
>> WARNING: I'm not pulling any punches
here. If you have a weak stomach, I
suggest you close this email and go back
about your day.

Still with me?

GOOD! I knew you had the stones.

Here we go...

To get the rest of this story, and discover

Stay Alpha...!

- Carlos Xuma

Get the article here.


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© Carlos Xuma & Morpheus Productions, LLC

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PO Box 4925
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