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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Best Diet for Enlarged Prostate from Livestrong

What you do not know can destroy you

The Livestrong website is really a rich source of tips on many ailments that are cancer related.   Thus for cancer.

Their post is similar to that of Mayo clinic.  Their diet include:

l.  Food rich in vitamin C;

2.  Food rich in zinc

3  Food with beta-sitosterol they are compounds found in vegetables, like the pumpkin seed that helps reduce the urinary problems associated with BPH

4.  Reduce caffeine.  Caffeine is a diuretic which causes more frequent urination.   This compounds the problem of the patient all ready afflicted with difficulty of urination.

Livestrong Best Food for Enlarged Prostate

Foods to avoid for enlarged prostate:   refined sugar, white flour, foods rich in fat and oil;  processed food, junk food, fried food

Livestrong: Foods to Avoid for Enlarged Prostate Patient 

 Prostate shrinking foods:    Soya (contains anthocyanin that shrinks prostate)  Pumpkin seed (contains beta-sinosterol lessens urinary problems of prostate patients),  zinc (most prostate patients had low zinc level, and saw palmetto

Livestrong: Prostate Shrinking Nutritonal Supplements

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