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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tips for those with Swollen Prostate

What you do not know can destroy you

Now that you have swollen prostate what are some tips:

l.  Avoid drinking water after 6 pm .  This will prevent difficulty with night urination;

2.  Avoid drinks that lead to diuresis (urination)  like coffee.

3.  Have occasional si (sexual intercourse) Ejaculation will remove prostatic fluid and shrink prostate

4.  Have a warm bath of not more than 20 minutes to shrink the swollen prostate.

5.  Avoid cold baths

6.  Avoid prolonged sitting on your prostate.   Thus biking should be avoided

7.  Avoid foods rich in fat, and reduce your weight.

8.  Avoid otc cold preparation

8.  Exercise regularly; like brisk walking

9  Relax;  meditate

Remedies and tips for men with BPH

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