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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Don't Just Stand There -- Talk To Her + What It Means To Be A Man + We Take A Look At Skyfall

What it means to be a man.?  Talk to your lady.  A feed
From: AskMen <>
Date: Sat, May 26, 2012 at 6:27 AM
Subject: Don't Just Stand There -- Talk To Her + What It Means To Be A Man + We Take A Look At Skyfall

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May 25, 2012


How To Start Conversations With Women

Why? Because semaphore is a dying art.
This is the hard part. She's right there, you know, standing in the corner with the Cat Power bangs and the winsome half-smile, but it's also 11 a.m., and you're on the D Train… sober. You know a lot of this is predetermined, and even genetic -- what's "hilarious" coming from the mouth of Brad Pitt is kind of more "I'm dialing 911 right now" coming from Harvey Pekar -- but if you don't make a move, you're gonna regret it. Here's what to do. Advertisement


Morgan Spurlock On Becoming A Better Man

Because it's hard out there for guys.
What does it mean to be a man in 2012? Should you be able to chop down trees and bring home warm pelts or is it better to know which cufflinks go best with this season's man-scaping trends? Morgan Spurlock talks about his new doc Mansome (with Will Arnett and Jason Bateman) and gives some pretty good advice on how to feel confident as a man.



Trailer or Failure: Skyfall

Why? Because movies are getting ridiculously expensive.
Like a lot of guys, we've always kind of looked up to James Bond. There's just something about a cold-hearted, pastless assassin that brings out our inner fanboy, and, no, we're not about to examine what that says about our innermost feelings and desires. This week, AskMen's Mike Sheppard takes a look at the trailer for Skyfall and attempts to divine whether Daniel Craig's latest take on our favorite sociopath can measure up to our expectations.


Wake Up

Because life is short (especially compared to the alternative).
Canadian botanist Wade Davis once claimed that zombies are not mythical supernatural entities but are very real victims of a strange mixture of brain-destroying plant toxins known to voodoo priests in Haiti. We bring you this information to help you realize that the seemingly horrifying is often the merely sad: There is no need to shuffle through your day like an animated corpse. Read on for how to wake up and get more out of the ol' vale of tears.


Great Male Survey

Because we have questions, and you have answers.
We can sit here all we want and pontificate about what guys out there are doing, saying and telling improbable lies about, but at some point it has to connect. It has to mirror your experiences, reflect what you see going on in the world around you. That's why our annual Great Male Survey is your best opportunity to make AskMen a better read, and that's why you should tell us how it is out there in 2012. Starting, of course, with the dating scene.


Beer Kit From Brooklyn Brew Shop

Never waste money on crappy beer again.
After a hard day of gathering pelts and chopping down trees, every man likes to sit down and enjoy a nice cold beer. But beer can be expensive and the price of pelts just isn't what it use to be. The solution? Brew your own. If you can cook, you can brew -- and you'll save a ton of dough in the process. And let us save you even more -- through AskMen Acquire you can get a whole brewing kit (and a recipe book from Brooklyn Brew Shops) for only $45. This exclusive offer ends on May 30th.

Read last week's edition

The Nice Guy Myth

"Nice" is jilted-guy code for "needy."
You hear it all the time: "Women won't go for a guy like me... I'm too nice." It's kind of a cutting remark, as it implies that girls are rejecting men for all sorts of self-defeating irrational reasons, and preferring the company of sociopaths and gangsters to upstanding citizens. Unfortunately, "nice" -- in this context -- means "neurotic, clingy and likely to cry after sex". Check out the video for a full breakdown of what's nice and what's necessary.

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