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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fwd: Should you RESCUE a woman? - Michael Fiore

Be a man that you are.  Avoid being a victim of bitches.  Slay the dragon

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Fiore <>
Date: Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 11:50 PM
Subject: Should you RESCUE a woman?

Hey, it's Mike Fiore . . .
How was your Fourth of July?
I've got one big question for
you in today's newsletter: 
As always, you can comment on any one of
these questions and offer up your opinion
on my Facebook wall at
Michael Carrillo
"Right now I am still in love with my ex-girlfriend. 
We had been dating for six months when all of a 
sudden the man she had been engaged to before we
started seeing each other came back into the picture. 
She said she owed it to herself to see if she had 
feelings for him which is when she broke up with me. 
Now it has been a month and she has been living in 
his house, but insists that she is not in love with 
this guy. She sends me texts and calls me at least 
once a week to tell me she misses me and that she 
made a mistake and wants to be with me. Yet she 
is still with this guy in his house. She is 
telling me it is complicated, to be patient, 
and have faith because she is in love with me. 
I know this is bad for me because the stress 
is giving me insomnia, but I have tried moving
 on since then. I have been talking to other
 women and have reconnected with a former girlfriend, 
but can only be with friends with her because of
 what happened in the past. Am I being a fool
 for still loving this girl and thinking that 
she will come back to me?"
Stop being so god damned respectful and understanding.
I know, I know. It's 2012. We're supposed to
be all "feminist" now (I'll probably write
a whole newsletter about how both men
and women misinterpret the word
"feminism" by the way. I'm a feminist,
but not in the way most folks think.)
 . . . 
But what you're doing now . . . "waiting around"
for her, twiddling your thumbs and "giving her
time to figure things out" is about as effective,
attractive and sexy as cutting off your own testicles
and making some kind of stew out of them.
If you truly love this girl, man up,
stop being so nice and go freaking rescue
her from this idiotic ogre.
Slay some dragons. Crawl over broken glass.
Do everything you can to get her back
in your house and out of his. 
And her saying it's "complicated"
is pure, unmitigated BS. Either 
she wants to be with him or wants to be
with you. Put it on the line.
Go to her. Seduce her. Show her
that you're strong and committed. 
FIGHT for her.
Be unreasonable about it.
Be vicious.
Be a man.
And if you "lose?" If you make
a sincere play to make her YOURS
with all the conviction and doggedness
of Mario rescuing the princess from
Bowser (hells yeah, a freaking Mario
Bros. reference . . .)
If after all that she still
wants to "try things out"
with this douchebag?
Then you walk away and you never
look back.
But what you're doing right now . . .
"Waiting around" for her . . . being
her emotional crutch . . .
Not sexy, dude. 
It makes me want to pet your head
like a puppy and see if you'll chase
a stick.
Agree? Disagree? 
Let me know on Facebook.
Mike Fiore
P.S. As always, feel free to pass
this newsletter on to your friends.

Text The Romance Back., 1463 E. Republican St., #28A, Seattle, WA 98112, USA

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