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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How to flirt with men

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mirabelle Summers <>
Date: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 7:12 PM
Subject: How to flirt with men

I've received some interesting emails lately about how to
flirt with men.
I've had women asking me questions like...
"How can I flirt with my guy friend, who I think likes me,
without our other friends noticing?"

"How can I flirt with a man without coming on too strong?"

"I want to flirt with someone, but I don't want other
people to know, but I still want to catch his eye, what
should I do?"

"I want to flirt more with my husband, but I'm not sure
how without it seeming awkward"
So I'm going to answer these questions and more in today's
But first I want to give you a final reminder about the
video I emailed you a few days ago:
Make sure you check this short video out if you haven't 
already as you'll discover incredible tips that will instantly
improve your love life.
Ok, so back to today's newsletter...
The first thing you should feel comforted in knowing is 
** Most men LOVE to be flirted with... **
...Even if they act slightly awkward at first, men don't 
always know exactly how to flirt back :)
After flirting with a guy a few times, you should be able
to tell if he wants to engage in the flirting dance, and
if he doesn't bite, then you'll need to accept that he's
probably just not that into you, or he has a partner.
Even men who are in a committed relationship will probably
engage in harmless flirting though.
BTW, if man doesn't return your flirting dance after
you've tried it on a little the first few times, believe
me, you've still made his day.
Everyone loves to feel desirable and your flirting,
assuming you're not taking it to the level of being
'slutty', is a great gift you can give to any man.
** Break the touch barrier **
The best and most natural kinds of flirting occurs after
that  touch barrier is broken, things come a lot more
naturally, as the man feels very comfortable with flirting
back if he knows you're comfortable touching him.
Great ways to break the touch barrier include:
* Touching his hand or knee during a conversation for
emphasis. He won't know for sure if you are flirting, or
not, but it's  a hugely effective way to break that touch
barrier and warm things up for future flirting!
* In a noisy environment, put your hand on his shoulder
and  lean in close to talk into his ear. This is where it
also pays to have some nice perfume and great breath.
* Lead him across the room by taking his hand.
This comes more naturally in a drinking environment, such
as at a bar where you can say, "hey lets go over here
where it's easier to hear each other"
"I'm just going to get a drink, come with me so we can
keep chatting"
or you could even lead him to the dance floor.
* Hug him when you see him, or when he leaves. Obviously
that's more appropriate if he's a good friend already, or
you are among other good friends when meeting up.
* Even just gently brushing up against a guy or lightly
touching his arm to let him know that you are interested
in him is great.
** If you're already dating a guy, you can push the
barriers further **
Obviously if you're already with him, then you can do some
really fun things like sneakily putting your hand on his
butt when in a crowded situation (while making sure noone
else notices).
Or catch him off guard and pull him in for a deep kiss
when he's not expecting it. e.g. "Hey hun, I just need a
little help with something over here" ... :)
Or sending seductive text messages that make him realize
you have booty on the brain (give him something to look
forward to when he gets home).
Remember with txt messages, it's better to leave a little
to the imagination, rather than being too graphic. e.g.
"Great shirt you were wearing to work today. It'll look
great on the floor when you get home :)"
** Keep things simple **
As you are reading this newsletter, I want you to bear in
mind that while I'm giving lots of tips here, you don't
have to use them all.
Just keep it simple.
You don't have to have a rehearsed version of your
flirting mantra or pressure yourself to be flirt of the
year; just relax.
Go over to the man, smile, and say hello. That is the
simplest thing you can do to begin and take it from there.
If you don't at least do that, you may lose your chance of
meeting a great guy.
When you approach him, be sure to make eye contact and if
you can work those eyes in your favor, feel free.
Oh, and sometimes a better icebreaker than 'hello' can be
to ask his opinion on something...
...For instance, you could tell him that you are trying 
out a new perfume. Then get him to smell your neck and ask
 for his male opinion.
** Making sure others don't notice **
The easiest way to make sure others don't notice is to
flirt a little with everyone. That way it doesn't look
like it's 'only for that one guy'
Flirting doesn't have to always be sexual or with someone
who you are interested with. Sometimes it can just be a
matter of being comfortable joking around and breaking
that touch barrier a little with everyone.
You'd be surprised, but a lot of things you do to flirt
won't get noticed by others, or even if they do, you need
to carry with you a 'so what?' attitude.
You have one life, and if keeping your inner flirt locked
up in a box isn't the way you want to spend the rest of
it, then perhaps it's time to unleash the new you!
Really though, people notice a lot less than you give them
credit for. Particulary if you are only starting off with
subtle flirting and waiting for him to respond before
esculating anything.
Oh, and they WILL notice, if you two do start going out
together :)
** Men like a little bit of tease **
Remember, men like a little bit of a tease, and the
difference between being seen as a tease and 'slutty' is
usually more a matter of making sure you keep things to
the level that you've mutually esculated things to.
If he hasn't been dancing the 'flirtation dance' with you
yet, then keep things moderate, like touching his arm for
emphasis, etc.
If he is engaging in flirting with you, then things can
naturally esculate higher and higher, and he'll feel very
masculine that he has drawn your more flirtateous side out
of you.
I'll finish today's newsletter with an interesting quote
from Dr Monica Moore (Psychologist):
"Women are more likely to attract a man if they send out
several flirting signals rather than relying on a single
Oh, and here's that link to the video again for you to
check out:
(These tips will instantly improve your love life)
Have fun and all the best!!
Kind regards,
Mirabelle Summers (and Slade Shaw) Author
Unit 6a, 3 Settlers Crescent
Ferrymead, Christchurch 8023

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