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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Common vegetables herbs as aphrodisiacs

Virile Men

I was recently advised that okra, a common vegetable in the PHL is an aphrodisiac.  I thought that this just lowered bp.  This was featured at Web MD and reviewed by Dr Charlotte Grayson Mathis MD It is said to be rich in zinc just like oysters, magnesium, folate, and iron, stuff that keep sex organs healthy

Others are yohimbe from Africa,  Ginseng from Korea. There is also cantharides, most potent of all, coming from beetle dung.

How to prepare Okra as aphrodisiacs

JK Sales - Okra as aphrodisiac

Okra as aphrodisiac from wifely steps

Okra as aphrodisiac from Lutong Bahay

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